Carl Sonnen
In this study,
heuristic analysis was performed using a modified set of Nielsen’s heuristics
adapted specifically for healthcare applications—the Nielsen–Shneiderman
heuristics—proposed by Zhang [5] in 2003 (see Table 1). The domain experts in
this case are physician residents at the Ottawa Hospital who use the Resident
Practice Profile application to record patient visit information for later
statistically accurate recall on the types of patients and kinds of medical conditions
they are encountering. The RPP application is found at The login credentials
may be sought with permission from Professor Liam Peyton form the University of
Ottawa ( A fair amount of research in the area of heuristic
analysis of health care and medical services applications has already been
done. A heuristic analysis reveals a high number of issues in very short time,
depending on whether one or more evaluators are involved and depending on the
skill of the evaluator(s). It is seen as low cost and requires little
preparation other than providing a list of heuristics to the evaluator(s) and
access to the application itself. For large, complex enterprise applications,
sometimes an additional task list needs to be provided. RPP is a small
application so the analyst can evaluate every major piece of functionality in a
short time.
Table 1 Nielsen-Schneiderman Heuristics [5]
Nielsen–Shneiderman Heuristics
Consistency and standards
should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions
mean the same thing. Standards and conventions in product design should be
Visibility of system state
should be informed about what is going on with the system through appropriate
feedback and display of information.
Match between system and world
image of the system perceived by users should match the model the users have
about the system
extraneous information is a distraction and a slow-down
Minimize memory load
should not be required to memorize a lot of information to carry out tasks.
Memory load reduces users' capacity to carry out the main tasks
Informative feedback
should be given prompt and informative feedback about their actions
Flexibility and efficiency
always learn and users are always different. Give users the flexibility of
creating customization and shortcuts to accelerate their performance
8 Good
error messages
messages should be informative enough such that users can understand the
nature of errors, learn from errors, and recover from errors
Prevent errors
It is
always better to design interfaces that prevent errors from happening in the
first place
Clear closure
task has a beginning and an end. Users should be clearly notified about the completion
of a task
Reversible actions
should be allowed to recover from errors. Reversible actions also encourage
exploratory learning
12 Use
users' language
language should be always presented in a form understandable by the intended
Users in control
Do not
give users the impression that they are controlled by the systems
Help and documentation
provide help when needed, ideally context-sensitive help
Jaspers [1] cites that
heuristic analysis by double experts (experts in both the specific healthcare
domain and in usability testing) can provide an excellent benefit-cost ratio in
that up to 75% of all application issues can be uncovered by the analysis of
just 2 – 3 of these double experts. Using non-experts to assess the application
heuristically would require 14 or more analysts to uncover the same number of
problems. Jaspers further states that up to half of the problems uncovered in a
heuristic analysis will not be discovered during user testing. Two limiting issues
are brought to light by Jaspers: 1) The availability of usability experts and
double experts in particular may be limited and 2) The proliferation of
different sets of heuristics currently available to use.
The RPP application
has three main sections: 1) Visits, where a physician can add, edit and keep
track of all patient visits and the visit details logged while using the
application, 2) Reports section where physicians may run canned reports and 3) Team
Members or account management section.
Usability Issues
A sample of the 15
violations uncovered and their severity rating are provided below.
1. Main Form Missing Feedback
Only 1 major
heuristic violation was uncovered. This was regarding the feedback provided to
the user after a visit record is added—the Clear Closure heuristic. In Figure 1
below there is no real indication that a record is successfully added after
pressing ‘Submit’ on the previous sub form were all the cumulative information
has been entered.
Figure 1 Main Application form missing feedback to
physician user that a New Visit Data record has been added
Suggested Fix:
Add the following message
with some specific visit details to indicate the visit information has been
saved to the bottom section in Figure 1 above: ‘Patient
visit in Patient’s Home having Fever on 2016-02-22 10:30:23 has been
successfully added’
2. Too much irrelevant data displayed in some reports
In some reports there
are pages and pages of data displayed for a single report which is particularly
onerous to view in a mobile device. Every specific medical diagnosis is
displayed amounting to hundreds of records when really only those conditions
the physician has actually encountered during visits/rounds needs to be listed
(see Figure 2 below). This violates the Minimalist principle/heuristic. It was rated as a minor
Figure 2 End of Life Detail Report including records
with 0 # of Visits
Suggested Fix:
Filter records to
display only those records with number of visits that are one (1) or more (i.e.
not zero)
3. Drop down selection icons inconsistent
On the main form a
plus (‘+’) icon is used to open the Tracking, Demographics and Assessment sub
forms (See Figure 3). In all other forms sub forms are referenced with an
accordion icon (‘˅’)—see Figure 4. This violates the Consistency and standards heuristic.
It is a minor severity issue.
Figure 3 Main Add Visits form with ‘+’ expansion signs
Suggested Fix:
Make drop down sub
form selection icons all consistent. Make them all accordion (‘˅’) icons
Summary of remaining violations found:
Table 2 Results after applying Nielsen-Schneiderman
Heuristic Analysis
Consistency and standards
2 - Minor
On some sub forms
arrow keys can be used to scroll down/up the list. On the main pages you use
the tab key to move around—inconsistent. Note: This is probably not an issue
on a touch screen mobile device.
2 Visibility of
system state
Submit button is
always blue. Should change to Green (i.e. Go) but only when page is updated,
indicating data has been changed and is ready for update
2 - Minor
3 Match between
system and world
Application is
devoid of colour. Unlike real-world. Colour helps us identify and distinguish
differences. Adding 2 or 3 subtle colours would make application easier to
identify controls and sections
1 - Cosmetic
5 Minimize memory
When creating new
accounts users type in the location instead of choosing it from a selection
list. Possible data inconsistency Should use the same lookup data used when
selecting location when creating a visit
2 - Minor
6 Informative
Submit button should
ideally change from Grey to Green (i.e. implying ready to Save) when page
1 - Cosmetic
7 Flexibility and
No shortcut keys
discernable (Probably not required on a touch screen mobile device and only
on a desktop).
2 - Minor
Too many canned
reports even though they are somewhat filterable. Allow users to create custom reports
through their own query builder page
8 Good error
N/A (see heuristic
9 Prevent errors
N/A Excellent job
preventing all errors
11 Reversible
If user selects a
number of items in a sub form, then the only way to undo multiple selections
is to click them ‘off’ again. No Clear or Cancel button
2 - Minor
12 Use users'
Presuming clinical
language is correct. Responsibility of domain experts
13 Users in control
User mostly
selecting data from lookups. Filtering features on visit summary
comprehensive. Filtering on reports adequate. May want to allow customizable
reports through a query builder to allow more user control
2 - Minor
14 Help and
Only a very limited
problem submission form. Email address should be auto-populated from account
information. Form should have a
general type issue selection lists
2 - Minor
No online user’s
A small number of
minor or cosmetic violations were uncovered. Overall the RPP application was
simple, robust, self-evident and easy to use. No catastrophic problems were
encountered and only one problem classified as major was uncovered. All the
other problems encountered were cosmetic or minor in nature.
for future research on the usability of the RPP application involve conducting
more heuristic evaluations and merging the results with this study and also
performing a user study, preferably with resident physicians, which might
include observation sessions and/or questionnaires.
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[2] Saparova, D.,
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Problems in Patient- and Clinician-Oriented Health Information Systems: What
Are They and How Do They Differ? DHM/HCII,
Springer. Part I, LNCS 8025, 276–285
[3] van
Engen-Verheula, M.,
Peutea, L., de Keizera, N., Peeka, N.
and Jaspers, M. 2015. Optimizing the user interface of a data entry module for
an electronic patient record for cardiac rehabilitation: A mixed method
usability approach. International
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[4] Wu, P.H., Chen
C.H., Chen H.T., Shu, C.H., Lin, F.S., Wang, Y.W., Li, H.J., Wu, Y.T. and Lai,
F. 2010. User Inspection of National Taiwan University
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[5] Zhang, J., Johnson, T., Patel, V., Paige, D., and Kubose, T. Using
usability heuristics to evaluate patient safety of medical devices. 2003. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. Elsevier.
36 (2003), 23–30. DOI=10.1016/S1532-0464(03)00060-1
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