Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Usability Evaluation of Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC)

By: Navneet Sidhu


Usability is to measure the ease of use in user centered interaction designs. In this article, I will discuss some of the major usability issues that were uncovered by performing heuristic evaluation and think aloud user testing on Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation . It is a government website that is used for booking travel tickets which includes railways, flights etc. It allows users to track their train, cancel their train ticket, check the facilities available at the stations such as wheelchair, WiFi, retiring rooms etc. It also allows the user to choose a complete holiday packages including travel tickets, hotels, food. It is the most used website in India. IRCTC was in top searched items in 2013 and 2014 ranked by Google India [3]. The issues discovered are classified according to Nielson’s 1994 Heuristics [1]. Recommendations to resolve those issues have also been suggested.
Figure 1: Home page of IRCTC

Usability Issues and Recommendations

1.      Captcha Verification not visible

Issue: The login page contains unnecessary information, which hides away the Captcha verification which is necessary for logging into the website as shown in Figure 2. While trying to login into the website, the captcha can be easily missed, and the user can go directly to Sign in button. The issue is due to failure of highlighting important distinctions, distractions due to ads and confusing screen design.
Heuristics Violated: This completely violates Heuristic #1 which clearly states that more important items should stand out more. The users take longer to process more information and the catchy ads makes it harder to find the functionality that the user needs [2].
Figure 2: Captcha verification doesn't stand out.


The website should not be filled with unnecessary information. The Captcha verification box should be bigger and visible. It should stand out and shouldn’t be easily missed by the user. 

2.      Complex navigation and design

Issue: There are lot of navigation bars that confuses the user. Users can be easily confused whether they should choose destination and origin from the top bar or from the left bar. Similar case is while choosing journey class, user can be confused where they should choose from. The user is obligated to interact with the system multiple times to check availability and fare. The quota field (highlighted in the middle of the page on the right side in Figure 3) is differentiated from the actual description of the trip. If user needs to change the quota, they must navigate to different option bar.
Heuristics violated: The complex design violates heuristics #1, #8 as this is unnecessary repetition of information and leads to a complex design.
Figure 3: Design too complex 


The designers could remove one of these options and keep choices simple for the user. The quota field should be clubbed together with the journey date, class, origin and destination.

3.      Menu options not same throughout the website

Issue: The menu options are not same throughout the different website pages. As shown in Figure 4 and 5, the options under Trains in the Home page are multiple such as Book a ticket, train schedule etc. but the same options can not be accessed from other pages. There is no way of reaching the train ticket booking page from Figure 5. The issue was caused due to inconsistency among the different parts of the website.
Heuristics Violated: This violates Heuristic #4 that requires the software to be consistent by putting the same information at the same location and format throughout the system.
Figure 4: Multiple options under Trains 

Figure 5: Only few options under Trains 


The menu options must be same throughout the website. The user should be able to navigate to all pages throughout the website. The same options that are given on the home page needs to be added throughout the website pages.

4.      No captcha provided

Issue: When trying to book a holiday package from Holidays options given at the menu bar at the top of the home page, while entering the details, it was found that there was no Captcha provided to enter in the Captcha verification field. The Refresh button provided in the top right of the Captcha verification window doesn’t work. No proper feedback was given for the problem.
Heuristics Violated: This violates Heuristic #5, #8, #9.

Figure 6: No Captcha provided


The developer needs to investigate the code for the Captcha. A different Captcha provider can be used. The code snippets need to be placed in proper parts in the website.

5.      Track your train option in the menu leads to Error

Issue: ‘Track your train’ option doesn’t perform any function and leads to Error 404 Page not found (Figure 10). The option is a dead link. There is no functionality assigned to the menu option. This is a bug in the website.
Heuristics Violated: This problem violates heuristic #5 that states to prevent errors.
Figure 7: Track your train doesn't work

Figure 8: Result of clicking on Track your Train option


Functionality needs to be added to Track your train button. The developer needs to write HTML code for this option.

6.      Replan button doesn’t perform any function

Issue: When trying to book a holiday package, you fill the complete information, go to the payments page but decide to replan the trip, you try clicking on Replan button as shown in Figure 9. The problem is that Replan button doesn’t work and performs no functionality.
Heuristics Violated: This violates heuristic #5 that states to prevent errors.
Figure 9: Replan button has no function


Replan button needs to be assigned proper functionality. The code needs to be investigated and the button should redirect it to proper page that allows the user to replan the trip.

7.      Help isn’t on the same location on every page (No consistency)

Issue: Online help is not consistent among the website pages. While booking a train ticket the help is displayed on the bottom right as shown in the screenshot in Figure 10. While booking a holiday package the help is on the bottom left of the page as shown in Figure 11. 
Heuristics Violated: The heuristic that were violated were #4 as the same information isn’t at the same location and format throughout the system [2].
Figure 10: Chatbox is on the bottom right  

Figure 11: Chatbox is on bottom left


This can be fixed by assigning a proper and consistent position to the help section. It needs to be same throughout the various pages of the website. 

8.      Help required? Ask DISHA. Pops up right on important information.

Issue: The #AskDisha chat feature is very annoying as it pops up at unwanted times and covers the cost and check availability action buttons. Though the option to minimise the chat box is provided it doesn’t perform its function very effectively. Even after minimising it, it pops up after few seconds and gets unbearable.

Heuristics violated: This violates Heuristic #1 and #8 as the more important information (cost & availability) is being hidden by chat box.
Figure 12: Chatbox covers the important information 


The minimize button needs to perform its function properly and the chat box should not pop up after every 2-3 seconds. Either the default location of the chat box needs to be changed or the Check availability & fare column must be moved somewhere else on the screen.


Heuristic evaluation uncovered various usability issues as reported above.  This is one of the most used websites in India. As per its usage this website should be highly maintained and provide good usability. The website faces many issues that needs immediate attention to provide good usability. By investigating usability in depth and implementing user centric solutions, IRCTC developers will be able to fix the issues that are of highest priority and make website design even easier for users to use.


    1.   Nielson, J. (1994), Nielson Norman Group, ‘Nielson’s Heuristics 1994’, at
    2.   Lethbridge, Timothy. Heuristic evaluation and Cognitive Walkthroughs at
    3.   Arora, H. Google year in Search 2014 reveals top level trends at
    4.   IRCTC website at

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